Phenomenal Lake Winnipesaukee lakeside business and real estate for sale! Opportunity knocks for those who are ready to be the masters of their own destiny. Kayak, canoe, paddleboard sporting goods and rental business and its real estate located in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. This well-established business, with over 23 years of loyal and growing customer base has solid financials and room for you to add even more value. Currently, a seasonal business, there are opportunities to add more product lines, increase geographic scope and extend the season. The property includes two lots of record: 6 Whittier Highway with a commercial and rental storefront set on .24 acres. This property owns shore frontage on Lake Winnipesaukee for launching rentals, a major component of the current business. This property is serviced by town sewer and well water. 2 Lake Shore Drive is a warehouse building set on .35 acres. You and your customers will love this convenient location just off Route 25 and sitting on Center Harbor Bay. This will be a wonderful opportunity for individuals or partners who love the world of outdoor sports. Work with happy friendly customers who are coming to your business to help them experience the beauty of the local lakes of NH. The Business and Real Estate is available to you at $750,000. Offer price includes real estate at $590,000 and FF&E $14,000. Additionally, inventory is offered at cost and varies between $120,000 and $250,000 depending upon the busi